Building Integrated Sociology Programs
Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson . Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson .

Building Integrated Sociology Programs

The field of sociology is uniquely poised as a discipline that can be combined with specialized training in other fields. Many work sectors are undergoing systemic or cultural changes based on demographic, political, and economic trends. At the same time, many graduates of sociology and other social science programs do not find jobs as “sociologists” or academics and must seek additional skill sets to enter the job market despite the relevance of the disciplines.

This webinar introduces the concept of Integrated Sociology Programs (Nathenson & Chapman 2022, forthcoming), outlining five pillars of such programs: 1) a focus on sociology as a skill set, 2) integration with a non-academic industry, 3) applied experiences, 4) integrated industry advisory boards, and 5) inclusion of career-focused outcomes. Dr. Nathenson present’s a real world example program that integrates Medical Sociology with the emerging field of Population Health Management. Social science academic programs blended with growing and vital career fields make a great combination for students, faculty, universities, and employers to gain insight on how learning about human behavior and society benefits ourselves and our changing systems.

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The Opioid Crisis in Population Perspective
Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson . Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson .

The Opioid Crisis in Population Perspective

The opioid crisis has taken an extreme toll on American society. While dependence and addiction to substances has individual, biological, and psychological factors, there are also societal factors at play. Using a population perspective and a sociological paradigm, we start to see that rates of overdose and addiction vary widely across geographical and social boundaries. This shows us that there are aspects of our society’s underlying conditions and culture that are contributing to the opioid crisis.

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The Hindered Idealism Workshop + ToolKit
Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson . Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson .

The Hindered Idealism Workshop + ToolKit

This workshop is for Hindered Idealists, but is directed to teachers, coaches, mentors, and other professionals who want practical tools and activities to help other navigate these challenges and make sustainable progress on goals to create widespread wellness from inside out.

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Building a Research Center
Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson . Widespread Wellness: Dr. Sophie Nathenson .

Building a Research Center

This webinar outlines the concept of a Micro Research Center for conducting social research for clients. It is geared toward university professors, students, high school teachers, or community organizations seeking to start a social research center and get involved in their local community.

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